To build a supportive community by developing a culture of awareness, acceptance and acknowledgement of the violence, trauma and exploitation experience, to empower women to live their best lives, pursue our dreams, and begin the healing process from sexual violence, exploitation, and trafficking. FIRE seeks to educate our community and faith-based organizations about the social issues surrounding human trafficking and domestic violence through our programs and practices.
To eradicate modern day slavery from the planet, to allow every survivor of domestic violence and human trafficking find their voice, healing and purpose, to prevent recruitment into trafficking, to protect our children and community, to empower women and help them find their identity.
To be a light and LOVE each other
Support, Accept and LOVE through Community, Outreach and Awareness
FIRE Revolution’s primary focus is on its survivor community. The community consists of human trafficking, domestic violence, and sexual exploitation survivors along with advocates who have no background of violence but are passionate about doing something to serve the cause and being part of the survivors support system. While FIRE has a global presence we focus on Domestic Human Trafficking happening in the United States; assisting survivors who have exited out of their experience for years, living “life” in our community; mostly in the East Valley-East Phoenix . While FIRE Revolution does outreach and awareness events these programs are incorporated to include the FIRE Community. Each FIRE survivor advocate has their own path to serve the cause and the organization; Jessica Knight leads the organization to serve the survivor community and prevent recruitment.
To prevent recruitment FIRE goes into areas most do not dare to, to build relationships through presence, trust , love and resources.
A message from FIRE's founder Jessica Knight.
My passion derives from a few areas within me. My focus as a Child of God to serve His Kingdom. Second was , I watch my mom suffer from her experience as a teen trafficked survivor. Although she was trying to do the right thing, the rejection from family, the community; even the church. She was mom and it really bothered me growing up that she didn't find the healing, the support or the love she needed to heal from her experience. No child should have to carry that burden. I always wondered if my mom had a loving group of ladies would she have found peace.
Thirdly, Realizing now that void made me vulnerable to be recruited later in life although I ended the relationship before any of the bad could have happened. I will never forget that moment where as a mom I thought how could I have brought this upon my kids. My mom and I both battled rejection from our community, suicidal thoughts. Lastly, I wanted something so different for my own daughters. Where my mom's journey was incomplete mine took a different path. Once this trafficker that tried to steal my life, after 4 years of no contact finding my social media platforms and trying to make contact. Where I started out trying to stand in FREEDOM alone, I found others. I couldn't even begin to tell you the mental battle to keep reaching out for help, to be asked to do some of the craziest things to make things right. No person should have to go through this journey of recovery alone.
The name FIRE = Freedom Is foR Everyone because Jesus died form EVERYONE. My mom stills struggles with that.
Into the Inferno = Recovery, healing, confronting all the mental memories and emotions, standing up to a convicted trafficker, praying you'll live through the threats so you can get some legal help. Just so you can take back your life. There is no way to go into this without coming out a different person not the other side. Recruiting and grooming is horrible, watching your mom get rejected is horrible too.
**We are not hopeless or helpless when we are united. There is peace in finding love and support. And our path be altered if we just hang on and ask for help."
is a Private nonprofit charitable organization registered as a Incorporated Non-profit registered with Arizona Corp Commission. All Rights Reserved.
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is pending its 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization status and is currently registered as a Incorporated NON-Profit with the Arizona For Commission. All Rights Reserved. All gifts will will be tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable under the IRS regulations for 2022.
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