In 2010 prior to launching FIRE Chaplain Jessica Knight was volunteer advocate at the Phoenix Dream Center. Learning about the social issue, and finding healing from her own traumatic background as a child of a trafficked survivor who had exited out of the life just before she was born. During her internship in chaplain college is where she found healing and her own purpose. She was fondly called Chappy by her team. She graduated the Chaplain program in Nov 2012.
2015 when Super Bowl was Phoenix Jessica led a 200 volunteer outreach operation. Strategizing 33 outreach in 10 surrounding the event. Shortly after the operation Jessica retired her position at the Phoenix Dream Center and became a mentor to the Chaplain Interns. One chaplain needed a special position and wanted to become an advocate in the fight against human trafficking. After hours of discussion and planning FIRE was formed as way for this chaplain intern to engage in the behavioral health platform; Using FIRE Revolution Advocacy for Women Inc as door to advocate for women who has expired abuse, trauma and sexual violence. The Intern completed the Chaplain program and moved on to work as a Peer Support in the Mental Health field.
While mentor the chaplain interns Jessica and other advocate built and operated an Underground Railroad called the UGR Network. Conducting outreach to victims being trafficked online, providing resources through their FIRE Hotline and operating a Recovery/exit team.
Although Jessica shared her story publicly in 2013 at the Dream Conference; 2017 she took a course that would help her start to share her story of overcoming suicidal thoughts, childhood abuse and surviving a recruitment and grooming phase from a trafficking in 2011. Learning along the way that trauma can run so deep it takes time to overcome the shame. She continued to build FIRE Revolution Advocacy for Women Inc while in her journey of healing and finding her identity in Christ.
Among the many outreach supplies, Bracelet making was formed. It has been become a signature item the local outreach team Phx FIRE is known form. 2018 was also the year Michelle's daughter Destiny, sister Arianna and nephew Michael joined the team in different areas.
2019 the first LOVE Event was held in Pioneer park . Launching a community of advocates and survivors
2019 was also the year Team Flame was lauded. Designed to provide a platform for survivors to share their voice, and for the community to hear the many faces of human sex trafficking. Team Flame always includes one survivor of Domestic Violence to represent the many survivors of Domestic Violence in FIRE's Community that glean from the survivors of human trafficking as ways to prevent recruitment as DV survivors are very vulnerable to recruitment.
2020 brought so many life changes. From doing church outside to Celebrate Recovery meeting closing to FIRE Community members struggling from illness, finances, relationships and sobriety. Due to quarantine outreaches and gatherings were suspended. Adapting to the changes was a use struggle for FIRE. While trying to find new ways to remain active; Jessica and her family grew closer and her daughter Moriah joined FIRE and became an advocate.
Tragedy struck the founder of FIRE in 2017 when the trafficker that attempt ed to recruit Jessica founder her social media. After the suicidal thoughts became so overwhelming and the attempts did not stop Jessica was assigned an Victim Service Advocate. Among her amazing support system it was recommended she study Krav Maga. In 2020 she found hew Dojo to practice at. Her daughter Moriah began to study the marital art as well. Becoming Jessica's Uke helping her not only with triggers that Jessica may experience on the mat but also assisting her with belt testing. Early 2021 Jessica became an instructor assisting in the Women's Self Defense classes.
2020 Michelle Marie relocated from Phoenix to Prescott. It has been a long time dream and goal of FIRE to have a Freedom Center intended to assist women in victim relief, peer support, vocation training and over all to just find healing from their experience. Establishing a new entity under FIRE Revolution Advocacy for Women Inc. the Freedom Center was formed in mid 2021 and received its 501C3 credential in early 2022.
Assigned as the Freedom Center's CO-Executive Director. Michelle is now leading a survivor led trauma informed returned partnered with True North, continuing her education in ministry, leading LOVE Team events in Prescott and establishing a team to assist in bringing awareness in the northern area of Arizona
2021 was also the year FIRE launched is podcast series Into the Inferno. Shares from the outreach team, Founder Jessica and Co-Executive Director Michelle as a way to speak to the audience they outreach to. The podcasts are designed to give life strategies of overcoming addiction, unhealthy relationship and their journey being of a mom after trauma.
2021 Covered In Prayer reached out to find ways to serve FIRE. A sewing ground that formed during the Pandemic provided a variety of clothe bags to a variety of outreach events. Covered in Prayer provides the totes that old the outreach gifts during Phx FIRE's monthly outreach.
CO- leader Laura became an Advocate and a board member. Assisting these lovely directors lead FIRE Revolution Advocacy for Women Inc
Founder Jessica has been friends with Pastor Charles who operates Agape International Church in Uganda for more than a decade. It has always been their dream to be able to outreach and provide resources to the women working in the Red Light district near Pastor Charles' Church. 2022 Agape FIRE Global Inc was formed (currently a non-profit in Az working on it s 501C3 status) Work has already begun to build the outreach center in Bugiri. 2023 prayerfully will laugh the first mission trip to Uganda Moriah was appointed Co-Executive Director over Agape FIRE Global and House of FIRE online store in 2022
2022 FIRE partnered with a Women's Trauma Support Group. Designed for survivors and al women who may have experienced some form of trauma. Meant 2 a month at Living Word Bible Church
2022 FIRE now has 7 leaders. (learn more about them on Leaders BIO page. In preparation of a new retreat that will be offered to FIRE Survivor Community, the leaders were hosted by True North founds at their Sedona location. A combination of survivor led life coaching, trauma informed care and equestrian therapy; this retreat will be life changing for the particpants
Founder Jessica heart has not been to prevent recruitment into trafficking, to prevent suicide but also to ensure proper trauma informed healing is happening in her community.
A project she is currently working on his to be able to disciple her own survivor community through the trauma informed process.
While we continue to evolve in our mission, vision and practice we invite you to JOIN THE REVOLUTION
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