Meet FIRE's Revolution's Core Advocates
Jessica is a trauma survivor of human trafficking recruitment as well as the oldest daughter of a trafficked surivivor. Along with overseeing all of FIRE's Programs Jessica primary focus is in Trauma Informed Care, bringing awareness to the social issue of human trafficking and in Martial Arts (Women's Self Defense)
Visit Jessica's website for more information
Moriah is a Realtor/Loan Officer and owns 3 businesses with her husband. She assists Executive Director in managing FIRE's Phoenix based programs as well as the online store House of FIRE. Moriah's focus is as an Advocate assisting victims and survivors in self defense, teen group recovery and peer support, Moriah has her yellow belt in Krav Maga
Laura is a survivor of many of life's challenges. One of her favorites is her walk with Jesus and sobriety of over 30 years. Laura and her team of seamstresses make the Covered In Prayer totes handed out on Phx FIRE Outreaches. Along with assisting our Executive Director with admin leading of FIRE Revolution Advocacy for Women Inc Laura also leads a Mentorship program introducing individuals to Jesus. If you are interested please contact us for more info
Beth is a survivor of Domestic Violence and has shared her story publicly during the 2021 City of Mesa Domestic Violence Awareness Event. Along with being a Green Belt in Krav Maga, Beth assists in FIREs Ignite Teens program helping at risk teens in a group home that have come the behavioral health centers in self defense and addiction recovery Follow Beth on social media or join her in a Krav Maga class/workshops
Cynthia joined the team after an event at her church. Cynthia assists with the survivors in the FIRE Community, is a Phx FIRE Outreach Advocate and has gone through the Faithful City Community of Belong Trauma Informed training.
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